Before writing, we need to remember a fundamental fact that essay writing is also a skill that should be developed like the skills of typewriting, drawing, swimming etc (writing tips). Hence it is a time-bounded activity. Any student who expects himself or herself to become good at this skill in a short period of time should realize that he or she is unreasonably ambitious.
Here are some good suggestions to be undertaken to become god at writing skills. A diligent effort to practice these on a regular basis is strongly recommended.
Increase your knowledge:
It is very necessary that you equip with knowledge about the current affairs and current trends in the fields of social, economic, socio-economic and political scenario around you and in other areas. This can be developed by reading newspaper daily and reading other magazine regularly. There are some magazines that are dedicated to a particular generic like “Business Today” which gives all information about business. In the similar way if you read more magazines you will get so much of knowledge. This information that you gather also improves not only in writing knowledge based essays but also non-knowledge based essays.
DOs and DONTs to improve clarity of ideas and make a better presentation:
• Identify the key words in the topic and generate ideas with their help. Let us see some examples:
“Anger is the best weapon to attain peace in the world”. The key words in this topic are ‘anger’, ‘weapon’ and ‘peace’.
• Make a framework of what you would like to write.
• Spend two to three minutes thinking about the given topic and note-down the points that you strike.
• Prioritize the points and decide how you would organize your essay.
• A good introduction, a coherent middle and a rational ending are a must and add so much value to the essay.
• Avoid the use of any statistical data, if you are not sure of its correctness.
• Do not use quotations unless you are sure of the name of the author because the authors name should be mentioned, if you quote his words. However, there can be an exception when quoting proverbs and axioms.
• In the case of essays on knowledge-based topics, use examples as much as possible and use from the current affairs, business examples and other economic situations or anything that is related to your topic so that it adds much clarity to the topic and makes your idea much clear. This also proves the evaluator about your reading habits and aptitude for that position.
• See to it that you are not carried away, when you analyze the given topic.
• Be very practical and have balanced approach to the issue presented in the essay topic. Being too critical or too supporting is taken to be narrow mindedness or uninformative.
Improve correctness of the language:
Write at least one essay a day and once you are thorough with writing essay, read the essay, preferably with the mind of evaluator. If may be your own essay but you will find some errors. Even if you are not able to find the error on your own then ask someone to read your essay and their opinions on that essay. It will be very symbiotic if your friend is also trying to improve essays writing. After you realize the mistakes, note down them and try to avoid those mistakes. This makes you very confident of yourself and makes you a