Writing - part 1

Writing Tips

Before writ­ing, we need to remem­ber a fun­da­men­tal fact that essay writ­ing is also a skill that should be devel­oped like the skills of type­writ­ing, draw­ing, swim­ming etc (writing tips). Hence it is a time-bounded activ­ity. Any stu­dent who expects him­self or her­self to become good at this skill in a short period of time should real­ize that he or she is unrea­son­ably ambitious.

Here are some good sug­ges­tions to be under­taken to become god at writ­ing skills. A dili­gent effort to prac­tice these on a reg­u­lar basis is strongly recommended.

Increase your knowledge:

It is very nec­es­sary that you equip with knowl­edge about the cur­rent affairs and cur­rent trends in the fields of social, eco­nomic, socio-economic and polit­i­cal sce­nario around you and in other areas. This can be devel­oped by read­ing news­pa­per daily and read­ing other mag­a­zine reg­u­larly. There are some mag­a­zines that are ded­i­cated to a par­tic­u­lar generic like “Busi­ness Today” which gives all infor­ma­tion about busi­ness. In the sim­i­lar way if you read more mag­a­zines you will get so much of knowl­edge. This infor­ma­tion that you gather also improves not only in writ­ing knowl­edge based essays but also non-knowledge based essays.

DOs and DONTs to improve clar­ity of ideas and make a bet­ter presentation:

• Iden­tify the key words in the topic and gen­er­ate ideas with their help. Let us see some examples:

“Anger is the best weapon to attain peace in the world”. The key words in this topic are ‘anger’, ‘weapon’ and ‘peace’.

• Make a frame­work of what you would like to write.

• Spend two to three min­utes think­ing about the given topic and note-down the points that you strike.

• Pri­or­i­tize the points and decide how you would orga­nize your essay.

• A good intro­duc­tion, a coher­ent mid­dle and a ratio­nal end­ing are a must and add so much value to the essay.

• Avoid the use of any sta­tis­ti­cal data, if you are not sure of its correctness.

• Do not use quo­ta­tions unless you are sure of the name of the author because the authors name should be men­tioned, if you quote his words. How­ever, there can be an excep­tion when quot­ing proverbs and axioms.

• In the case of essays on knowledge-based top­ics, use exam­ples as much as pos­si­ble and use from the cur­rent affairs, busi­ness exam­ples and other eco­nomic sit­u­a­tions or any­thing that is related to your topic so that it adds much clar­ity to the topic and makes your idea much clear. This also proves the eval­u­a­tor about your read­ing habits and apti­tude for that position.

• See to it that you are not car­ried away, when you ana­lyze the given topic.

• Be very prac­ti­cal and have bal­anced approach to the issue pre­sented in the essay topic. Being too crit­i­cal or too sup­port­ing is taken to be nar­row mind­ed­ness or uninformative.

Improve cor­rect­ness of the language:

Write at least one essay a day and once you are thor­ough with writ­ing essay, read the essay, prefer­ably with the mind of eval­u­a­tor. If may be your own essay but you will find some errors. Even if you are not able to find the error on your own then ask some­one to read your essay and their opin­ions on that essay. It will be very sym­bi­otic if your friend is also try­ing to improve essays writ­ing. After you real­ize the mis­takes, note down them and try to avoid those mis­takes. This makes you very con­fi­dent of your­self and makes you a

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